Crazy Long Probate Court Continuances

Today is Monday February 25, 2019. We had a probate hearing on calendar in a county in California. I am not trying to throw any specific Court under the bus so let’s just say a county somewhere south of Oregon and north of the Mexican border. We had taken over the probate from another attorney who didn’t do probate work and they had failed to file the proof of service of notice. Anyway, the new court date is July 1, 2019. A little OVER FOUR MONTHS from now. We asked for a date 3 weeks or more out as we just need 15 days but the Judge said the court had lost some file examiners and thus couldn’t set anything sooner. I am almost speechless! We may have to go in on an ex parte basis for letters of special administration and we will talk with our client about this. Of course, the irony would be that would take more judicial resources to deal with. Get it right the first time. Hire the right attorney at the beginning. We took over for the other attorney or would have been done right the first time. This is an example of something we do within days of filing your probate so that you don’t get continuances for something so simple. Hire the best from the start and avoid CRAZY long continuances in probate court. -John

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